Your self confidence is your only possession to last until you die. If you are proud of being who you are, you will enjoy every little thing in life. However, everybody might not be like that. You might have a friend who is mentally disturbed with things going wrong in his or her life. What are the things you need to do to give him or her, a shoulder to cry on? If he or she was in some property related trouble, you could contact a bankruptcy attorney or a bankruptcy lawyer. However, what if your friend was emotionally abused? Such people will start hating their own selves at times. How can you make it easier for them to love themselves again?
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There might be many causes of emotional abuse. People might go through different circumstances that hurt their mind to such an extent that they are not lively anymore. A person might have abusive relationships with his partner, or a child may be victim of bullying or child abuse. All such situations will destroy the self esteem of a person, and eventually, he or she will be emotionally abused.
You might also have a few friends who might be going through such a hard time for any reason whatsoever. To make them feel better, the key is to communicate. Just talk to these friends and get to know the real story behind their mental disturbance. Many people might also pretend as if there is nothing wrong with them. However, if they are your friends, you will immediately get to know that something is definitely unusual about them. Ask them to be honest with you, and share every little thing with you without any hesitation.
It will be a good idea to take your friends out to have some fun. A movie, a carnival, a concert, or just a night out will be a great way to release their mental disturbances. They might not be willing at first. This is because once a person is in such a state; he or she tries to avoid people most of the times. Because you need to make them feel better about themselves, a great idea is to make them undergo a makeover. When they see a totally new face on the mirror, they would definitely like to change themselves from the inside as well.
In severe cases, you might need to take help from a professional too. Contact the nearest and most reliable psychiatrist you can find, and tell your friend to see him. It will also be a good idea to contact a support group program and ask your friend to join it.
Whatever you do, you must keep a low profile on everything you have been doing for your friend. Similarly, do not tell everybody about what has gone wrong with your friend, or why he or she is emotionally abused. Spreading the word about your friend's metal abuse will only turn him or her against you. Plus, he or she will be hurt again, and you sure do not want that to happen to your buddy! Give all your affection and support to him or her and revive your friendship all over again!
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